Title: 1992 Day At The Docks Tee - San Diego California USA '92 Fishing Tournament And Festival Staff Hanes Beefy Red T Shirt Medium Free Shipping Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Red Cotton T Shirt with white front and back designs. Size: Adult Men's Size Medium / M Measurements: 42" at the chest (21" from pit to pit), 40" at the shoulders, and 28" long. Fabric: Medium to Heavy Weight Red 100% Cotton Design: The smaller front chest design reads: "Day At The Docks. Tournament & Festival '92. Staff." The larger back design reads: "Day At The Docks. Tournament & Festival '92." Condition: Very Good to Excellent Condition. Little to no signs of natural age or wear. No visible holes or stains. Garment Label: "Hanes Beefy T. 100% Cotton. Made in USA. M 38-40." Extras: A Great Looking / Collectible Vintage T Shirt !!!
Day At The Docks 1992 San Diego Tee - Medium