Title: Fox Head Racing Tee - Dirt Bike Surf Skate Retro Street Motorcycle T Shirt XLrg Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Dark Brown Cotton T Shirt with Front Chest and Left Arm Logo Design. Size: Adult Men's Size Extra Large XL Measurements: 48" at the chest (24" from pit to pit), 48" at the shoulders, and 30" long. Fabric: Medium to Heavy Weight Dark Chocolate Brown Cotton Fabric. Design: Front Chest Logo design is white, yellow and tan and reads: "Fox." The left arm has a fox head logo in white. The back of the shirt is plain brown. Garment Label: "Fox 100% Cotton Made in Mexico. XL." Condition: Overall Good Condition. The shirt has a nice natural fading and wear to the chest logo. There are 2 very small bleach spots on the front chest and left arm. The spots are only noticeable at close examination. There are no other visible holes or stains. It is nicely worn with a slight distressed look. Extras: A Great Looking / Comfortable Shirt in Good Condition
Fox Head Racing Retro Logo Street Tee - XL