Title: Gant Vintage 1980's Rugby Shirt - Retro Green Striped Rugger Cotton Shirt Med/Lg Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Green Knit Cotton Rugby Shirt with Button Neck and Tan Canvas Collar. Size: Athletic Adult Men's Size Large / Roomy Adult Men's Size Medium Measurements: 44" at the chest (22" from pit to pit), 44" at the shoulders, 25" along the sleeves, and 29" long. Fabric: The body of the shirt is a dark green striped 100% Cotton Knit. The collar is a medium weight tan 100% Cotton Canvas. Design: The shirt has a short tan canvas collar and 3 rubber buttons at the neck. It has long sleeve with ribbing at the wrists. The shirt is dark green with red, yellow and black horizontal stripes. Condition: Very Good to Excellent Condition. Little to no signs of natural wear. No visible holes or stains. Garment Label: "L. Gant. The Rugger. 100% Cotton. Made in USA." Extras: A Great looking / collectible Rugby Shirt !!!
Gant 1980's Rugby Shirt - Medium/Large