Title: Genentech Pride Tee - Gay Pride In Our Genes LGBT Celebration Orange T Shirt Med Description: Medium Weight Orange Cotton Blend T Shirt with Front and Back Designs. Size: Adult Men's Size Medium / M Measurements: 40" at the chest (20" from pit to pit), 40" at the shoulders, and 27" long. Fabric: Medium Weight Orange 50% Cotton 50% Polyester Design: The front chest design reads: "Pride Is In Our Genes." The back of the shirt reads: "Genentech. GO&E. Genentech Out & Equal." Condition: Very Good to Excellent Condition. There is some light discoloring on some of the back white letters that appears to be a printing flaw. The shirt is in otherwise Excellent / Unworn Condition. There are no other visible holes or stains. Garment Label: "Hanes Heavyweight 50/50. 50% Pre Shrunk Cotton 50% Polyester. Made in Honduras. Adult M (38-40)." Extras: A Great looking / collectible T Shirt !!!
Genentech Gay Pride LGBT Rainbow Tee - Medium