Title: KC Monarchs Tee - Negro League Henderson O'Neil McCoy Autograph USA T Shirt XLrg Description: Heavy Weight Orange Cotton T Shirt with Front and Back Designs. Size: Adult Men's Size Extra Large / XL Measurements: 48" at the chest (24" from pit to pit), 48" at the shoulders, and 31" long. Fabric: Heavy Weight Orange 100% Cotton Design: The front chest baseball design reads: "Kansas City Monarchs." There is a "Negro League Baseball Museum" patch on the lower front. The shirt is autographed by: Neale "Bobo" Henderson, Buck O'Neil, and Walt McCoy." The back of the shirt reads: "The Negro Leagues. The Spirit Of The Past." Condition: Excellent / Unworn Condition. Garment Label: "N Finiti Designz. ND. Artwear. Da Origino. Size XL. High Maintenance. Pre Shrunk 100% Cotton. Made in USA." Extras: A Great looking / very collectible T Shirt !!!
KC Monarchs Negro League Autograph Tee - XL