Title: 80's Stone Wash Maui Tee - Vintage 1980's Acid / Stone Wash Design Maui Hawaii Aloha Island Maiden West Purple T Shirt Medium Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Purple Black Stone Wash Design Cotton T Shirt with raised from chest design. Size: Adult Men's Size Medium / M Measurements: 44" at the chest (22" from pit to pit), 42" at the shoulders, and 26" long. Fabric: Medium to Heavy Weight Purple and Black Stone / Acid Wash 100% Cotton. Design: The shirt has an overall dark purple and black stone / acid wash design. The front chest has a raised design that reads: "Maui." The front chest design has a Hawaiian and Southwest design with gold accents. The back of the shirt is solid purple / black. Condition: Very Good Condition. Only light signs of natural age and wear. No visible holes or stains. Garment Label: "Maiden West. Medium. 100% Cotton Pre Shrunk. Maiden West, Inc. Phoenix, Arizona 85017." Extras: A Great Looking / Collectible Vintage Maui T Shirt
Maui Hawaii 1980's Tie Dye Stone Wash Tee - Medium