Title: STS-134 Endeavour Tee - NASA Space Shuttle Station Rocket Crew 2011 T Shirt Med
Description: Medium Weight Heather Gray Cotton Blend T Shirt with Front Chest Design.
Size: Adult Men's Size Medium / M
Measurements: 42" at the chest (21" from pit to pit), 42" at the shoulders, and 28" long.
Fabric: Medium Weight Heather Gray 50% Cotton 50% Polyester
Design: The front chest design reads; "STS-134. Kelly, Johnson, Fincke, Vittori, Feustel, Chamitoff. STS 134 AMS Endeavour. Endeavour."
The back of the shirt is solid gray.
Condition: Very good condition. Light signs of natural wear. No visible holes or stains.
Garment Label: "Hanes. Heavyweight 50/50. 50% Preshrunk Cotton 50% Polyester. Made in Honduras. Adult M (38-40)."
Extras: A Great looking / collectible Space Shuttle T Shirt !!!
STS-134 Endeavour NASA Space Shuttle Tee - Medium