Title: TWU Union Tee - Vintage Transportation Workers Cocoa Beach Florida USA T Shirt L Size: Athletic Adult Men's Size Large or roomy size Medium Measurements: 44" at the chest (22" from pit to pit), 44" at the shoulders, and 27" long.
TWU Union Tee - Large
Fabric: Medium to Light Weight Gray 50% Cotton 50% Polyester
Design: The shirt has a single chest pocket on the left. The right chest design reads: "Transport Workers Union Of America. AFL CIO. Local#525. Cocoa Beach, FLA. Unite!"
The back of the shirt also reads: "Transport Workers Union Of America. AFL CIO. Local #525. Cocoa Beach, FLA. Unite!"
Condition: Good to Very Good Condition. The shirt has a couple of small rust colored spots (One small spot on the lower front and a larger spot on the right back side of the shirt). The spots are noticeable at close examination. There is otherwise only light signs of natural age and wear. No other visible holes or stains.
Garment Label: "L. Made in USA. Windjammer. Bangor PA. 50%Cotton 50% Polyester. Unite!."