Title: HMX-1 USMC Unites States Marine Corps USA Military Presidential Helicopter One 1 Vintage 1980's Delta Gray T Shirt Medium Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Heather Gray Cotton Blend T Shirt with front chest design. Size: Vintage Adult Men's Size Medium / M (closer to a contemporary size Small) Measurements: 40" at the chest, 38" at the shoulders, and 25" long. Fabric: Medium Weight Gray Heather Gray 99% Cotton 1% Rayon Design: The front chest design reads: "United States Of America. 1st. Semper Progredi HMX-1. Marine Helicopter Squadron One." The back of the shirt is solid gray. Condition: Very Good to Excellent Condition. Little to No Signs of natural age and wear. No visible holes or stains. Garment Label: "Delta. M. Made In USA. 99% Cotton 1% Rayon." Extras: A Great Looking / Collectible Vintage T Shirt !!! Shipping within the USA is FREE !!!
USMC Helicopter HMX-1 1980's Tee - Medium